My Experience with St Joseph's.
Today St Pius and St Joseph's celebrated catholic school day all together in the church, after mass Mrs Tui got all the classes organized into their year level from years 1 to year 6 for St Joseph school. We had lot's of fun, meeting kids from different school and also I liked looking at the little one from St Joseph school. We had shared lunch with St Joseph School after mass. After lunch St Joseph school all gathered outside the hall to line up to get ready to show their ukulele skills by playing a song written by Bruno Mars count on me.
It was a lovely, the whole school was amazing how the kids at St Pius and the kids from St Joseph school was playing with each other we never have another school come over before but we had fun with each other.
When Maxine and Sione To’a, Meleseini and I got the hall ready the schools are already lined up outside, I was thinking in my hard that the school looks full for the first time, i’m not saying that St Pius X school looks little.I was happy to see the little kids year ones were holding hands it was nice.
My Father is special to me, he is caring and loving Dad I know.
My Dad has three kids and a wife he loves his family very much,My Dad is holy, that's why I love my Dad because he is a great Man.
My Dad has short black straight hair and his tall, he has light brown eyes. His skin is kind of white and brown.
My Dad’s hobby is listening to music, but the most thing he loves to do is going out to the open sea to fish to earn money. The money he earns, he use's it to pay his children’s school fees. The rest of the money, he use's it for other stuff that the family needs.